Mindshaping: The Creative Constant

Mindshaping: The Creative Constant
by Lim Teng Ngiom
Ngiom, who is based in Kuala Lumpur, is a well respected Critic and observer of the current scene throughout his region. Mindshaping: The Creative Constant addresses the contemporary debate between the Heuristic and Positivist positions in architecture today, through a rigorous dialectical analysis.
It begins by describing the philosophical underpinnings of each of the two poles, tracking both Phenomenology and Scientism, before exploring how each of these operate in Systems, Games and Rules,Reflective and Sentient Consciousness and Dynamic Systems.
Subsequent Chapters delve into the process of imagination itself, exploring topics such as: Creating the Mental Geography, A Structure of Creativity, Externally Determined Structure, Constructing Models of the World ,Enculturation and Enchainment, Closing the Loop Interaction Ritual,Computation of the Mind, the Changing Mindscape, the Multifaceted Mind, and Crystallising Mental Space.
Ngiom then turns to precedents, examining architectural exemplars, as well as demonstrating how he applies these theories to his own work.
27 cm x 24 cm
256 pages